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Identifying Theme Worksheets

This resource contains a variety of theme worksheets and theme graphic organizers to help students practice identifying main idea and supporting details in individual texts AND analyzing a shared theme between two different texts!

Print and digital versions available!

- Google™ Slides


1. Defining Theme Guide

- Two sheets breaking down the difference between a theme topic and a theme statement.

- A mind map graphic organizer for students to assess their background knowledge of the literary term theme.
2. Theme Analysis Worksheet Focusing on an Individual Text

- Two graphic organizers for students to analyze a theme topic (one-word main idea such as "Adventure") in a individual text. Version one is a chart and version two is a graphic organizer.

- Graphic organizer for students to create and analyze a theme statement present in an individual text. (theme statement = a sentence stating the message/lesson the author tries to convey to the reader.)

3. Worksheets for Finding Shared Theme Between Two Texts

- Venn Diagram for students to brainstorm theme topics shared between two texts.

- Graphic organizer for students to analyze a theme topic present in both texts.

- Graphic organizer for students to analyze a theme statement present in both texts.

- Chart for students to create and analyze a theme statement (message/lesson) present in both texts.

4. Seven Answer Keys Included!


File Type: PDF & Google Slides
Editable: No

Total Pages: 47
Content Pages: 35