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Halloween Lesson Plan - Blackout Poetry Using Fairy Tales

Fun and engaging Halloween ELA activity and poetry writing for your middle school or high school students! This creative holiday writing activity tasks students with creating a scary black out poem based on the common characteristics and theme of the fairy tale they analyze!


Students will:

- Learn about common characteristics typically found in fairy tales focusing on setting, character types, plot and elements.
- Choose a fairy tale and analyze it by identifying examples of the common characteristics.
- Use the analysis to help Identify the theme of the fairy tale.
Create a scary black out poem based on the theme of the fairy tale they analyzed!


1. Four pages of Teacher Directions

2. A detailed list identifying the common characteristics of a fairy tale.

3. Fairy Tale Analysis Worksheet

Students explain how the examples they find fit with the common characteristics.

Students explain how they will put a scary spin on the characteristics they find in the fairy tale.


4. Theme info sheet

 Defines theme topic vs theme statement.Theme topic: broad repeated throughout (ex: adventure)

Theme statement: message/lesson the author reveals through the theme topic (ex: Adventure can sometimes keep you from the people you love the most.)
5. Theme Analysis sheet where students have to:

Identify theme topics present in the fairy tale.


Create a theme statement for the fairy tale.
6. Rubric for students to use to help them create a black out poem based on the theme of the fairy tale they analyzed.... but with a scary twist!

7. Answer Key




File Type: PDF 
Editable: No

Total Pages: 18
Content Pages: 10