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Debate Topics for High School

These 75 classroom debate topics will have your students highly engaged and allow them to practice their argumentation skills!

Topics relate to the following categories:

1. Education


- Should all schools operate under a year-round schedule?

- Should it be mandatory for students to spend at least a semester studying abroad?

2. Entertainment


- Is Beyoncé the greatest entertainer of all time?
- Do celebrities make for bad role models?

3. Technology


- What impact does social media have on society?
- Are humans too dependent on technology?

4. Politics & Government


- Is cruel and unusual punishment justified when dealing in matters of national security?
- Should Presidents be paid less?

5. Science


- Could the world survive if bees went extinct?
- Is global warming the single greatest threat to the planet?-

6. Society


- Is it justifiable for employers to drug test potential hires?
- Should all U.S. Citizens be required to serve at least one year in the military?

7. Health


- Should alternative medicines be banned?
- Is it wrong for pharmaceutical companies to profit from medication for grave or chronic illnesses?




File Type: PDF
Editable: No

Total Pages: 6
Content Pages: 3