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Bundle of Worksheets and Activities for Theme and Character Analysis

A comprehensive resource with a variety of literary analysis worksheets, graphic organizers and activities for finding main idea and supporting details, teaching theme, identifying theme, indirect and direct characterization, character traits and character development.

There are 11 resources included in this bundle:

1. Theme Worksheets & Graphic Organizers
2. Indirect and Direct Characterization Worksheets & Graphic Organizers
3. Character Development Worksheets & Graphic Organizers
4. Theme Analysis Digital Flipbook
5. Theme Analysis Brochure Project
6. Theme Analysis One Pager
7. Theme Analysis Digital Card/ Paper Tent
8. Character Analysis Digital Flipbook
9. Character Analysis Brochure Project
10 Character Analysis One Pager
11. Character Analysis Acrostic Poem
Print and digital versions available!

- Google™ Slides

Theme Analysis Worksheets


1. Defining Theme

- Two sheets breaking down the difference between a theme topic and a theme statement.

- A mind map graphic organizer for students to assess their background knowledge of the literary term theme.

2. Theme Analysis Focusing on an Individual Text

- Two graphic organizers for students to analyze a theme topic (one-word main idea such as "Adventure") in a individual text. Version one is a chart and version two is a graphic organizer.

- Graphic organizer for students to create and analyze a theme statement present in an individual text. (theme statement = a sentence stating the message/lesson the author tries to convey to the reader.)

3. Worksheets for Finding Shared Theme Between Two Texts

- Venn Diagram for students to brainstorm theme topics shared between two texts.

- Graphic organizer for students to analyze a theme topic present in both texts.

- Graphic organizer for students to analyze a theme statement present in both texts.

- Chart for students to create and analyze a theme statement (message/lesson) present in both texts.


4. Seven Answer Keys Included!


Finding Theme Digital Flipbooks for Google Classroom™

Multiple Versions

- Three Flipbook Activities
- Each come with two versions: one in color and one in black and white
- Three Answer Keys
Each digital Flipbook comes with a tab that breaks down the difference between a theme topic (one-word main idea) and a theme statement (the message or lesson the author tries to teach the reader about the theme topic).


For example:

Theme Topic: Adventure

Theme Statement: Adventure can sometimes keep you from the people you love the most.

Digital Flipbook focusing on a Theme Topic

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Theme topic vs theme statement.
- Mind map for students to brainstorm theme topics.
- Analyze how setting(s), character(s) and event(s) relate to their chosen theme topic.
- Identify evidence from the text and explain how it relates to theme topic they chose.
Digital Flipbook focusing on a Theme Statement

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Theme topic vs theme statement.
- Brainstorm theme topics and Choose a specific theme topic
- Create a theme statement using the theme topic they chose
- Identify evidence from the text and explain how it relates to the theme statement they identified.
Digital Flipbook focusing on a Theme Shared Between Two Different Texts

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Theme topic vs theme statement.
- Brainstorm theme topics they think are repeated throughout the text
- Identify character's from the text and how they relate to the theme statement.
- Identify specific events from the text and explain how they relate to the theme statement.

One Pager Activity for Theme

Have students show their understanding and knowledge of theme with this creative and engaging one pager activity.

1. Theme Info Sheet defining theme topic vs theme statement.

2. Theme Analysis

Guide that helps students identify theme topics repeated in the text and create a theme statement showing the message/lesson they believe the reader can learn from the text.

Students also identify specific events from the text that relate to the theme statement.
3. One Pager Rubric

4. Seven One Pager templates students can use to create their one pager!

5. SEVENTEEN Student Examples of One Pagers!


Theme Analysis Brochure

Students create a brochure showcasing their understanding of a major lesson/message they believe has developed throughout the text!

TWO Brochure Options: Bi- Fold OR Tri-Fold which include:

1. Planning Sheet

Students review the difference between a theme topic and theme statement.

Students choose a theme topic and then use a guideline to create a theme statement. Students then identify events and characters that relate to the theme statement.


2. Student Directions

Directions for both the bi-fold and tri-fold option are given. Students include information such as:

- Events and characters related to the theme topic or theme statement
- Evidence from the text to support their analysis

And more!
3. Rubric

Theme Analysis Paper Tent/Digital Card

Have you ever had your students create name tents during the beginning of the school year? Well imagine them doing the same thing except they use the tent to visualize their analysis of a theme in the text!

1. Theme Resource

Helps students identify a theme topic and then use that topic to create a theme statement (message/lesson of the text).

2. Planning Sheet

Tasks students with identifying a theme topic, creating a theme statement, and identify characters and events that relate to the theme, to help students prepare for what they will include in their theme analysis text.

3. Templates

Template one focuses on events that relate to the theme. There are two versions.

Template two focuses on characters that relate to the theme.


Characterization Worksheets

1. Info sheet defining direct and indirect characterization
2. Graphic organizer focusing on physical traits of an individual character
3. Graphic organizer comparing the physical traits of two characters
4. Worksheet tasking students to analyze direct characterization and the five forms of indirect characterization. (2 versions)

5. Worksheet focusing on students analyzing the interactions with two characters and what it suggests about their relationship. (2 versions) 

6. Worksheets for a group activity option (6 sheets)

Character Development Worksheets

Students are tasked with analyzing how a character develops from beginning - middle - end through plot and character interactions.

- Worksheet focusing on how events cause the character to develop throughout the text.
- Worksheet focusing on how other characters can influence a characters development throughout the text.
- Worksheet combining both above. (2 versions)

Character Analysis Digital Flipbooks for Google Classroom™

Multiple Versions

- Three Flipbook Activities
- Each come with two versions: one in color and one in black and white
- Three Answer Keys

#1: Character Snapshot (Focusing on Characterization)

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Physical Appearance
- Thoughts & Speech
- Actions/Behaviors
- Impact on Others
#2: Character Development

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Character Snapshot focusing on indirect and direct characterization
- How the Character is in the Beginning of the text
- How Character changes from the beginning to the middle of the text
- How Character changes from the middle to the end of the text

Character Analysis One Pager

Characterization One Pager
Focuses on the personality of the character and analyzes how indirect and direct characterization is used to reveal details about the character.

Character Development One Pager
Focuses on how a character changes from beginning - middle - end and the events and other characters that caused the changes.



- One Pager Rubric for each activity.
- Seven One Pager templates students can use to create their one pager!
- SEVENTEEN Student Examples of One Pagers!

Character Analysis Brochure

1. Planning Sheet

Students identify a character and use their background knowledge to note specific details including physical traits, hopes, dreams, aspirations, fears, and more!

The planning sheet also tasks students with analyzing how the character(s) has developed throughout the text.

2. Student Directions

Directions for both the bi-fold and tri-fold option are given. Students include information such as:

- Character development
- Character traits
- Character Interactions
- Analysis on what causes the character to change throughout the text.
- Evidence showing the character development.
- Illustrations to represent the character and/or the characters development

3. Rubric

Character Analysis Acrostic Poem


1. Concept Sheet

This sheet explains what an acrostic poem is and the three different ways you can structure an acrostic poem, with an example poem for each!
2. Planning Sheet

Students identify the personality of a character of their choosing, noting the characters dream, hopes, fears, hobbies, etc. Students also provide examples of indirect and direct characterization and explain what that reveals about the character.

3. Three poem templates for students to use.



File Type: PDF & Google Slides
Editable: No

Content Pages: 252