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Black History Month Research Activity - Fact Card

This fun and engaging print and digital Black History Month activity helps students showcase their knowledge about an important person, event, era or movement related to African American History! Students choose their own research topic and have the option of creating a paper tent (print version) or a fact "card" (digital version).


Print - Paper Tent

What is a paper tent? Have you ever had your students create name tents during the beginning of the school year? Well imagine them doing the same thing except they use the tent to visualize their knowledge about a research topic related to Black History Month!



Google Slides version included in the resource called a "Digital Fact Card"



Template one focuses on a person


- Students can create a paper tent or digital fact card focusing on a African American historical figure.

Template two focuses on an event, era or movement


- Students can create a paper tent or digital fact card focusing on an event, era or movement important to African American history.


File Type: PDF & Google Slides
Editable: No

Total Pages: 22
Content Pages: 12